The male Rose-breasted Grosbeak is often reported at feeders, especially during spring migration. Information for each species describes housing and nest boxes, gardening tips for the hummingbirds and the favorite food of the bluebirds. Content for three very popular groups of birds is also included – Purple Martins, Hummingbirds and Bluebirds.
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You will learn about the best bird feeders, the best bird seed to attract more birds and a greater variety of birds and other tips on how to attract birds. Content in this section covers an array of topics, from the basics of bird feeding to habitat development.

Upload your image and our experts will try to… If you have a photograph of your unknown bird, you might want to jump over to our Name That Bird web site. If you can identify 200 bird species, you are well on your way to becoming a bird expert. State-specific bird identification informaiton is also provided. Bird identifcation filters inclide color, size and habitat. They are presented in different ways and with multiple images. We have selected 200 of the most commonly observed birds across the United States. Identifying Birds – Which Bird Did You See? The first choice on your left is called Which bird did you see? In this bird identifier section you will find assistance in identifying what birds you have seen.

There are two topics in this section of the site… 1.

Once you can identify most of the birds you see and hear, you can support various citizen science programs or even become a researcher or professional ornithologist. Improving your bird identification skills will lead to greater enjoyment of the birds around you. Bird Identification Learning to identify the birds you see and hear is a wonderful skill to have.All Birds Learn about birds, their identification, behavior, interesting facts and much more.Identification Search birds by color, habitat, body shape or size.