Remember, the goal in using cash is to NOT use your cards when you run out. If you run out of cash, you may need to get creative about cutting your spending. If you have cash left over at the end of a pay period, AWESOME! You can roll that cash into the next pay period. If you get paid weekly or bi-weekly, you can take out enough cash to get you through the next pay period. We get paid monthly, so we have enough cash for the month. HOW AND WHEN TO ADD CASH TO YOUR WALLETĪdd cash to your envelope wallet at every pay period. They keep their prices reasonable to help their customers reach their goals. They know most of their customers are getting out of debt or working on big financial goals. They are intentional about their product and pricing. The quality of their wallets is fantastic. It is a small business run by a husband and wife team. Our favorite wallet to use for cash is from A Time For Everything Shop. Don't feel like you have to spend a ton of money.

Using a cash envelope system can be as simple as grabbing some white envelopes from your desk! Pinterest has some great DIY wallets you could make if you are crafty. We have 5 great tips to help you get started! 1. New habits are hard to start but are usually worth it in the end. If you are struggling with spending, try using a cash envelope system. Slowly we started using cash on other areas too. We set a food budget and used only the cash we had in our envelope to purchase food for every pay period. SAVE HUNDREDS ON FOOD WITHOUT USING COUPONS HOW WE PAID OFF $18,000 IN DEBT IN 18 MONTHS When we were fighting to pay off all our debt, the first thing we did was use cash for groceries. It makes you more aware of how much you are actually spending. In our experience, cash is a wonderful motivator to spend less money! Paying with cash does something to our habits.

Studies show we spend less when using cash. If you are looking to pay off debt this year and get your spending under control, paying with cash is an excellent way to reach your goals.